Everyone should have access to encryption.
Use our toolkits, factsheets, papers, and other documents to learn how to use encryption to defend it, and to protect yourself and others.
What is Encryption and How It Works
Modern encryption scrambles data using a secret value or key known only by the recipient and the sender.
Why is Encryption Essential?
Encryption keeps us safe, protects our privacy and it matters to all of us.
Why is Encryption Under Threat?
When the use of encryption is weakened or limited, all of us are put at greater risk.
How to Protect Yourself
End-to-end encryption is the most secure form of encryption that you can use. Learn how to keep yourself as safe as you can be.
Encryption Kept Me Safe
Learn how encryption keeps people safe. Share their stories.
Learn More About Encryption
Watch our videos about encryption and learn how it keeps us safe online.
Take Action
Use our toolkits to advocate for strong encryption.
Spread the Word
The Social Toolkit provides guidance on how to talk about Global Encryption Coalition and Global Encryption Day on social media.
Campaign for Strong Encryption
Kickstart a local campaign to protect strong encryption with our ‘Campaign-In-A-Box’ toolkit.
Advocate for Strong Encryption
Our advocacy toolkit will help you advocate for encryption on the ground and help us grow a voice that is too powerful to ignore.