Global Encryption Coalition

Parents’ guide to encryption

Kids live in a digital world. Even before they start using online tools, devices and games on their own, parents take pictures of them, share them and store the on the cloud. Encryption is the best tool we have to keep them safe online.

Learn more about how to use encryption to protect children.

Global Encryption Day 2023 was a great success!

Strong encryption is the standard that is keeping billions of people safe every day. We need to push back against government efforts to undermine it.

Every 21 October, we come together to be part of an annual day of action, when civil society organizations, businesses, technologists, and millions of Internet users across the world come together to promote, protect and defend strong encryption.

See how people around the world are advocating to save strong encryption.

Encryption safeguards the personal security of billions of people and the national security of countries around the world.

The Global Encryption Coalition (GEC) was founded in 2020 by the Center for Democracy & Technology, Global Partners Digital and the Internet Society and now has over 350 members.

Its mission is to promote and defend encryption in key countries and multilateral fora where it is under threat. The GEC also supports efforts by companies to offer encrypted services to their users.

Every day, we promote and protect encryption all over the world. Find out how we take action:

What did people and organizations tell us on their choice to use and implement strong encryption?

People should be able to have access to a digital venue that they know that is provably private. We are proud to provide that venue with the @platform, an open source project that allows people, entities and things to converse using end to end encryption. The @platform SDK allows developers to rapidly create privacy preserving ... Read More
Strong encryption systems (extending encryption) in the better protection of human rights, and the fact that the two aspects reinforce each other, hence creating a virtuous cycle. Encryption ensures that the data stored on computer systems, those on cloud computing such as Apple and Google, and those being transmitted through computer networks, including the Internet, ... Read More
At Session we provide a safe, secure, and simple-to-use space for people to communicate with each other. Session is an end-to-end encrypted messenger that minimises sensitive metadata, designed to protect people’s privacy every time they have a conversation. We believe everyone should be able to say no — no to having their information collected, stored, ... Read More

Join the Coalition

  • Access informed policy debates on encryption around the world
  • Support from a wide range of tech organizations and cybersecurity experts for your advocacy
  • Amplify your advocacy messages through the global GEC member community

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  • Show your support for the GEC’s mission
  • Access toolkits to bolster your encryption advocacy efforts
  • Receive the GEC monthly newsletter