
Global Encryption Day 2024

Save the date! Join us on 21 October 2024 for the 4th annual Global Encryption Day. Check back soon for more information about this year’s event. In the meantime, you can: Let’s make this year’s Global Encryption Day the biggest one yet. See you soon!


Joint statement urging Australia to protect end-to-end encryption in the Online Safety Act review

End-to-end encryption plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety, security and privacy of millions in Australia. However, the statutory review of the Australian Online Safety Act erroneously characterises end-to-end encryption as an obstacle to online safety and law enforcement, instead of recognising that it is essential for online security and weakening it reduces safety for all. […]


Joint Statement on the dangers of the May 2024 Council of the EU compromise proposal on EU CSAM

Child sexual abuse and its distribution online is a serious crime that can only be effectively addressed if EU member states take a measured approach that is informed by expert evidence. We are concerned by developments in the Council of the EU where the Belgian Presidency continues to advocate using scanning technologies for encrypted messaging […]


Declaración del Comité Directivo de la Coalición Global de Cifrado en apoyo a la inclusión del cifrado como un derecho de todas las personas en Chile

El Center for Democracy & Technology, Global Partners Digital, la Internet Freedom Foundation, Internet Society, and Mozilla Corp, que constituyen el Comité Directivo de la Global Encryption Coalition, emitieron la siguiente declaración sobre la adopción del cifrado como principio de seguridad informática para cada persona en Chile: El 8 de abril, el gobierno chileno publicó […]


Global Encryption Coalition Steering Committee Statement in support of the inclusion of Encryption as a right for every person in Chile

The Center for Democracy & Technology, Global Partners Digital, the Internet Freedom Foundation, the Internet Society, and Mozilla Corp, constituting the Steering Committee of the Global Encryption Coalition, issued the following statement regarding the adoption of encryption as a principle of computer security for every person in Chile: On April 8th, the Chilean government published […]


Global Encryption Coalition (GEC-SC) contribution to the ongoing discussions at the UN’s Global digital compact.

This week, the Steering Committee of the Global Encryption Coalition (GEC-SC) contributed an important statement to the ongoing discussions at the United Nations concerning the Secretary General’s Global digital compact. The attached PDF contains a statement read by a representative of the GEC-SC to the UN, Mallory Knodel, articulating the expert insights and proposed amendments […]


A call to the Brazilian Supreme Court to recognize the importance of encryption in safeguarding fundamental rights

On 6 June, academic and civil society organizations from all over the globe make urgent plea to the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil: Protect fundamental rights by acknowledging encryption’s critical value in protecting privacy and freedom of expression, especially for vulnerable groups. The Federal Supreme Court of Brazil is set to resume the trial for […]


Statement of the Global Encryption Coalition’s Steering Committee on the Belgian Presidency’s compromise proposal on EU CSAM

The Global Encryption Coalition’s Steering Committee (GEC-SC) is alarmed by the latest proposal for a compromise presented by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union to advance the negotiations on the ‘Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse’ (EU CSAM).  We are particularly concerned about: The GEC-SC takes […]



SecureCrypt features industry leading security features and strong, E2EE to secure global voice and data communications. Immune to electronic interception, electronic eavesdropping, and brute-force attack attempts. All data is fully end-to-end encrypted at all times, both at-rest and in-transit, along with all metadata being encrypted. Owning our own infrastructure means we are a truly independent […]


Global Encryption Coalition Steering Committee Statement on the ECtHR Court Ruling on Encryption in Podchasov v. Russia

Global Encryption Coalition Steering Committee Statement on the ECtHR Court Ruling on Encryption in Podchasov v. Russia The Global Encryption Coalition Steering Committee (GEC-SC)* welcomes the recent ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in the case of Podchasov v. Russia, which unequivocally reaffirms the position that mandatory requirements imposed by governments to […]