Le Cameroun est un pays en plein essor numérique, avec une population de plus en plus connectée à Internet. Cependant, cette augmentation de la connectivité est accompagnée d’une augmentation des menaces pour la vie privée en ligne. Les hackers et les escrocs utilisent des techniques de plus en plus sophistiquées pour voler des données personnelles […]
Tag: GED 2024
Encryption Advocacy Training for Academic Institutions in Africa is a planned conference training that aims to focus on development of encryption advocates in institutions of higher learning. The purpose of the conference is to capacitate Faculty Deans and Lecturers from institutions of higher learning so that they may infuse these principles to their classroom teaching.
From October 20th to 21st, 2024, we will organize a 2-day training course that will be punctuated by 2 major events. The purpose of this event is to promote encryption towards civil society actors, local authorities and activists in Cote d’Ivoire and the necessity to protect it. The event will be held in Abidjan, the […]
Cryptography is an essential means of ensuring security in online communication. Cryptography is a technology that makes data unreadable by replacing it with a series of symbols that are unintelligible to humans, but when we access the data in a communication, it is displayed as data that we can read, so we may rarely encounter […]
English is below Japanese. 21日のセミナーに引き続き暗号化を特集します。これまでも暗号化ツールについては、何度か紹介してきました。ネットやパソコンなどを利用する際に、ほとんど自覚することなく暗号化が機能している場合もありますが、意識的に暗号化のツールを導入することが必要になる場合があります。 今回のセミナーでは、ほとんど事前の予備知識なしに導入できるいくつかの暗号化のツールを中心に紹介します。メールやSNSについては、エンド・ツー・エンド暗号化に対応しているサービスを使うことで容易に実現できる反面、これまで使ってきたサービスからの切り替えが必要になるという点がハードルになります。保存データの暗号化やハードディスクの暗号化では特別のソフトウェアの導入などの作業も必要になりますが、以前よりも導入しやすくなっています。 暗号化は、知識だけではなく、実践が第一なのです。しかしまた、パソコンやネットを苦手とする人たちにとって、暗号化は取り組みにくい課題と感じられる結果として、セキュリティのリスクに曝されやすくなる傾向があるともいえます。こうした点を念頭に置きながら、苦手な皆さんがひとつでも暗号化ツールの導入を実現できるためのノウハウを提供するように工夫します。 このセミナーで使用しているオンライン会議室Jitsi-meetもエンド・ツー・エンド暗号化での会議を行なえるようになっています。この点についても、実際に試してみる予定です。 (参考資料)\ メール – Proton https://proton.me/mail – tuta https://tuta.com/ja デバイス(ファイル)の暗号化 – Veracrypt\ https://www.veracrypt.fr/code/VeraCrypt/ https://www.gigafree.net/security/encrypt/VeraCrypt.html – Cryptpad\ https://pilot.jca.apc.org/nextcloud/index.php/s/J6aRkHmRDfQG59i PGPを使った暗号化 – LibreOfficeの文書の暗号化\ https://help.libreoffice.org/latest/en-US/text/shared/guide/openpgp.html – ThunderbirdでPGPを使う(メッセージのデジタル署名と暗号化) https://support.mozilla.org/ja/kb/digitally-signing-and-encrypting-messages コーディネーター 小倉利丸 言語 日本語 通訳はありません 下記から申し込んでください。 https://pilot.jca.apc.org/nextcloud/index.php/apps/forms/s/xscRGorFgCHntS5AJwrCnxgH ====================== English comes after Japanese Introducing encryption tools (emails, SNS, saved data, computer devices) Following on from […]
[en] This closed online event will focus on normative and technological proposals developed or under development in the countries of the Southern Common Market – MERCOSUR (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Venezuela) to address violence against children and teenagers in digital spaces with encryption,, as well as the possible role of ISOC as a promoter […]
Workshop on Data Protection and Encryption
We had the presentation of ISOC Guide of Encryption for parents, as well as the Manual launched by the chapter on best cybersecurity practices to navigate the Internet safe. On top of that we had a practical workshop with the company BGH on encryption methods, building safe passwords, protecting data and devices.
As Lesotho continues to embrace digital transformation, the need for robust digital security measures is becoming increasingly critical. Encryption, a fundamental tool for protecting data and maintaining privacy, is essential in securing personal and sensitive information in the digital age. Despite its importance, awareness and understanding of encryption among the general public in Lesotho remain […]
Global Encryption Day San Francisco
Global Encryption Day (GED) is an annual event organized by the Global Encryption Coalition (GEC), designed to raise awareness about the importance of encryption in protecting privacy and securing digital communications. It brings together various stakeholders, including civil society organizations, technology companies, and individuals, to advocate for strong encryption policies and practices. The San Francisco […]
In today’s digital age, journalists face unprecedented challenges in protecting their sources and sensitive information. “Securing the News: Encryption Training for Journalists” is a specialized workshop aimed at equipping journalists with the knowledge and skills to utilize encryption effectively. Purpose: The primary purpose of this event is to educate journalists on the importance of encryption […]