The Global Encryption Coalition Steering Committee was proud to host the second edition of The Encryption Summit: Encrypt Today to Safeguard Tomorrow on October 21st, 2024. The summit brought together encryption experts from academia, civil society, and business to discuss key developments in the global encryption policy debate. In five sessions, the Summit covered digital rights […]
Tag: GED 2024
By John Perrino – Internet Society Global Encryption Day (GED) continues to grow awareness of how encryption empowers and protects people online. The fourth annual GED was celebrated around the world on October 21 with 60+ coalition member events held over four weeks — from Japan to South Sudan and San Francisco. Social media posts […]
As Members of the European Parliament, we recognize the vital role that end-to-end encryption (E2EE) plays in safeguarding the privacy, security, and fundamental rights of European citizens. End-to-end encryption (E2EE) is the cornerstone of secure communication in our digital age. It ensures that personal data, confidential information, and private communications remain protected from unauthorized access, […]

Topics: • Exploring Encryption Fundamentals. • Encryption Technologies and Innovations. • Encryption Policy and Ethics. • Encryption in Industry Sectors.

Workshop with a brief introduction for non-technical citizens on what encryption is, how it works, why it is important and the dangers it faces, and then learning how to use a password manager. The event is open to anyone interested and will be held at the headquarters of the Alto Sopocachi – Cristo Rey neighborhood […]

Le Hackathon est ouvert aux étudiants de cinq universités du Togo – ESGIS, IPNET Institute of Technology, École Polytechnique de Lomé (Université de Lomé), Université de Kara et UCAO –, issus de divers domaines académiques tels que l’informatique, l’ingénierie, le droit, la communication, etc. Les Participants doivent former des équipes de 3 à 5 membres. […]
Strong encryption is a critical technology that helps keep people, their information, and communications private and secure. It underpins online trust, protects members of vulnerable communities, and safeguards the data of governments, businesses, and citizens from criminals and other malicious actors. However, some governments and organizations are pushing to weaken encryption, which would create a […]

On October 21, 2024, the House of Africa, as a member of the Global Encryption Coalition (GEC) in Chad, will join other Internet defenders to celebrate World Encryption Day. We will unite in our efforts to protect end-to-end encryption and counter any proposals to weaken it. We have already shown how attempts to create backdoors […]
On #GlobalEncryptionDay, listen to journalists, security experts explain how encryption helps them keep their sources and information secure and promotes press freedom With @proof__news’ @JuliaAngwin, @TechCrunch’s @lorenzofb, & FPF’s @harlo & @SethAStern
Global Encryption Day Awareness Campaign

An Awareness campaign was held at Narayana Guru Mission School in Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore India by ISOC India Chennai Chapter and KriVin Academy. The members and students from the chapter and academy organized the event. The awareness session was handled by Mrs.Pravina Bharath, CEO KriVin Academy and post the awareness session various other events like […]